Stone Temple Pilots
Stone Temple Pilots (2018)

New voice, same name, but a different energy. With their 2018 self-titled release, Stone Temple Pilots had everything to prove—again. Moving forward without the raw unpredictability of their original frontman or the late-era soulfulness of his successor, they opted for something cleaner, steadier, and refreshingly direct. There’s a sense of clarity here, a back-to-basics approach that leans into the band’s natural strengths rather than chasing ghosts.

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Stone Temple Pilots - Stone Temple Pilots (2018)

The guitars still punch, the rhythms still drive, and the hooks still land with that effortless, radio-ready charm they’ve always had. But this isn’t an album trying to reclaim past glory. It sounds like a band focused on simply playing, locking into grooves that feel familiar but never tired. It’s not a reinvention, nor does it need to be. It’s the sound of a band pushing forward because that’s what they do—and they do it well.