Motörhead’s Lemmy Immortalized In London

Motörhead frontman Ian “Lemmy” Kilmister has been enshrined at one of his favorite haunts to relax and socialize — Stringfellows gentlemen’s club in London.

A miniature replica of Lemmy’s custom urn containing a portion of his ashes was installed at the club (on 12/18), ensuring Lemmy can permanently hold court at one of his beloved places. Motörhead guitarist Phil Campbell was on hand to say a few words.

“He’s going to have a good view (from behind the bar), so it’s a great place to put some of his ashes to rest, especially because he really enjoyed going there (Stringfellows) when he had a night off,” shared Campbell.

“When he was in London, Lemmy never missed a night out at Stringfellows. He was a true friend of the club,” added Sadat Banda, operations director for Stringfellows.

“We’re just paying our honor to Lem really, putting him in places where he likes to be. People can raise a toast to him every time they’re there, or have a chat with him or whatever,” Campbell concluded.

Lemmy died in 2015, of cancer, at age 70. A portion of his ashes have also been installed at the Rainbow Bar & Grill, a favored establishment in Hollywood.



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