Stone Temple Pilots - 1990s

Today In Rock: May 4th, 1996 – “Big Bang Baby” Is #1 On Mainstream Rock

On this day,,, Stone Temple Pilots ruled Billboard’s Mainstream Rock Songs chart for a week with “Big Bang Baby.”

The song was featured on the band’s third album, “Tiny Music,,, Songs From The Vatican Gift Shop.” Bassist Robert DeLeo composed the music with singer Scott Weiland writing the lyrics.

“We wanted to make a statement. We wanted to deconstruct, go low-tech, get to the dark heart of the matter,” explained Weiland. “I was happy to write Bowie-esque stream-of-conscious that didn’t need to make sense., Example.: ‘Big Bang Baby’.”

@BooksNCamping: His (Weilland) showmanship is giving Jagger and Bowie vibes in spades. Just shows how versatile they were. R.I.P. Scott. You are always missed.

@sniffableandirresistble: That bass player (Robert DeLeo) is one of the most underrated bassists in Rock music.

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