Nonpoint Drummer Hospitalized

Nonpoint drummer Robb Rivera was taken to the hospital Sunday night.

As a result, the band’s show at the Mercury Ballroom in Louisville, KY was cut short.

Fans noticed Rivera stand up from the drum kit and eventually leave the stage halting the concert. Nonpoint did resume the show with Rivera but he was taken to the hospital in an ambulance once the abbreviated set concluded.

Nonpoint issued a statement on social media noting that Rivera’s heart rate had increased significantly during the performance. Paramedics were called but were unable to get the drummer’s heart rate down. That’s when the decision was made to take him to the hospital.

“As of now his heart rate is stable and they’re running tests,” reads the band’s statement. “Send them healing vibes our way so we can get our brother back on that drum throne.”

According to frontman Elias Soriano, Rivera had never experienced this heart issue before.



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