Supergroup’s Debut: Category 7’s Album Coming In July

Category 7, featuring former Machine Head guitarist Phil Demmel, ex-Adrenaline Mob guitarist Mike Orlando, Armored Saint singer John Bush, Shadows Fall drummer Jason Bittner and Exodus bassist Jack Gibson, will release its self-titled debut album on July 26th. The lead single is “In Stitches.”

“Mike (Orlando) had this idea of doing stuff that was a little more mainstream than the heavier stuff that I’ve done. But we didn’t want anything to sound contrived,” noted Demmel.  He went on to add, “I feel like this is a band, not a side project. I’m so proud of the way this came together and the people who were involved.”

“Category 7” Tracks:

01. In Stitches
02. Land I Used To Love
03. Apple Of Discord
04. Exhausted
05. Runaway Truck
06. White Flags & Bayonets
07. Mousetrap
08. Waver At The Breaking Point
09. Through Pink Eyes
10. Etter Stormen

Category 7 is the numerical designation for the most powerful wind storms.

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