Skillet Is Fine With Politicians Using Their Songs

It seems like an election year tradition: Rock acts complaining about the unauthorized use of their songs at political functions. They claim the playing of their songs at events implies support – which is often not the case.

Bruce Springsteen, Foo Fighters and Neil Young are but a few of the performers who have lodged complaints and/or taken legal action against appropriation of their songs

Skillet’s John Cooper has a different viewpoint. “I don’t care who plays my song at their political rally, because I believe in America over party. I believe in the foundations of this country,” explained Cooper during an On The Road To Rock podcast.

“Let’s say that you’re running for president, and you’re playing my song, and let’s just say that I don’t like your platform,” Cooper added. “I can always go on social media and say, “Hey, I wanna make it clear, this dude may be using my song, and I’m happy for him to use it. It doesn’t mean that I’m supporting his presidency, but I love America.”


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