May 16th

Rock Albums Released on This Day in History

The perfect daily read for fans looking to explore rock history one day—and one album—at a time.

Featured Rock Albums


The Beach Boys
Pet Sounds

Pet Sounds had the most intricate vocal and instrumental sections of any Beach Boys album. It was the first time that the band was mostly replaced by studio musicians (such the Wrecking Crew) on instrumental pieces. The record was also a break away from their typical small-ensemble pop/rock band format and it was not reproducible live.

The Beach Boys – Pet Sounds


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More Rock Albums Released Today

Some are obscure or lesser-known, while others played a pivotal role in shaping the sound of rock and roll.


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Rock & Roll
– Collectibles

Dive into the rebellious spirit of rock & roll with this collection of Rock Memorabilia. Explore unique products inspired by the energy, freedom, and attitude that define rock music.